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Vj Mariaraj shares how mind maps can better the bottom line in businesses.

An Outline Insight curated by WriteMapper

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Mind Maps are a great boon in large business corporations, where thousands of executives or employees have to undergo training, or managers are involved in Meetings, Presentations, Brainstorming, and wide range of other activities.

THE APPLICATION OF mind mapping is limitless in the professional field. With its non-linear flow and ability to quickly allow its users to form associations and links between a variety of ideas and concepts, it is little wonder that big corporations such as Boeing, Oracle EDS and Nabisco have consistently relied on mind mapping to bring about increased efficiency and massive savings.

The Main Takeaway

When the value of mind mapping is fully recognised – and thereafter, utilised – in business corporations, immense benefits can be reaped that betters their bottom line and then some.

Take for example how companies such as EDS and Nabisco have found that by utilising mind maps in their training courses, their employees were able to condense and share information which equaled 4-6 books within one day.

More astoundingly is how Boeing managed to save an estimated US$11 million by simply condensing their Engineering Manual into a 25-foot long Mind Map. This effectively enabled their 100-man strong team of senior engineers to learn in a few weeks what originally would have taken them a few years.

Obstacles and Difficulties

The use of mind maps in traditional business models may appear intimidating due in large to the sheer volume of content and data that businesses deal with on a daily basis.

However, it is precisely for this reason that makes mind mapping the perfect technique to adopt in businesses: the strength of a mind map is in its ability to seamlessly communicate complex ideas and facilitate intra-departmental brainstorming – especially so when the information is as vast as it is in large corporations.

Using a Mind Map

The cogs of any business machine are doubtlessly enhanced and improved when mind maps are utilised due to the easy assimilation and dissemination of information that comes with it.

Beyond the ease of which ideas and data can be arranged, captured, reviewed and shared, the creativity involved in mind mapping also inevitably invites its users to lend an almost personal touch to the business.

Needless to say, this marriage of personal and professional will aid employees in handling a gamut of information with simple efficiency. This makes mind mapping the perfect tool to be included in the arsenal of any business core.

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